So I had to get some products from the new Art Of Darkness collection after seeing the promo images. They are so beautiful and edgy I love them!!
So I had to buy the two new nail polishes they are so gorgeous.

Scarab - A beautiful red with gold reflects it gives a gorgeous copper tone to the nails its absolutely gorgeous!

Veridian - A gorgeous blue green. Stunning sparkle with a top coat.
I love these nail polishes but they chip quite a bit within the first day but I think that is just my nails becuase it happens with every nail polish!
I have never had a pigment from Illamasqua so when I saw this colour I really wanted to try it.

Ore - It's a beautiful bronze copper with a tone of sparkle!! I mean lots of glitter!
I love the colour and the glitter doesn't travel too much which is good! I would definitely recommend!
And of course! I got two of the three liquid metals. I can't rave enough about this product I lOVE them! And they look gorgeous under Ore.

Resolute - I love this it is absolutely stunning! It's a deep red burgundy I love deep reds and this works really well as a lip colour!! I love it and really recommend!

Stoic - A gorgeous teal green really really pretty! Will probably use this most as an eyeliner under the eyes it's so pretty! Again It looks great underneath Ore.

Swatches - Ore, Resolute and Stoic
I will have looks coming up with the liquid metals and maybe nail swatches.
So i hope you enjoyed!